- Fire Balls
- Apportation
- Shimmering
- Adjusting
- Immortality
- High Resistance
Novak and his henchdemons known as Dark Monks, led by Magnus, go up against the Chinese Zodiacs every year in an attempt to gain control of Buddha's Ivory Serpent, and every year, Novak's failed, despite conserving all of his energy for the battle by entombing himself in a sarcophagus-like crypt.
The battle always takes place right before the staff's "hand-off," which occurs on Chinese New Year's, when the current year's expiring sign passes the serpent to the next sign in the cycle.
Novak used the Ivory Serpent Staff to brainwash Piper, Phoebe and Paige into turning on Billie Jenkins and Lo Pan in an attempt to destroy the Zodiacs and make 2006 the Year of Evil.
Novak was vanquished by the Charmed Ones who overloaded him and the dark monks with good.